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Publications & Speaking Events –
Dr. David W. Kim


Co-editor. Atlas of Facial Plastic Surgery, Toriumi DM, ed.

Section Editor. Rhinoplasty. Surgical Atlas of Facial Plastic Surgery, Byrne PJ, ed. Elsevier.

Guest Editor. Cosmetic Surgery of the Asian Face. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. August 2007.


Selected Articles

Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America


Kim DW, Rodriguez-Bruno K. Functional Rhinoplasty. 2009 Feb.
Obstruction at the level of the internal and external nasal valves must be addressed.


Kim DW, Toriumi DM. Open Rhinoplasty. In Behrbohm, Tardy ME eds. Essentials of Septorhinoplasty. New York: Thieme, 2004.
This chapter reviews the basic philosophy and approach of structural rhinoplasty.

Kim DW, Mau T. Surgical Anatomy of the Nose: A Foundation for Rhinoplasty. 2011.
This chapter reviews the anatomy of the nose.

Kim DW, Shah AR, Toriumi DT. Concentric and Eccentric Carved Costal Cartilage: A Comparison of Warping. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery. 2006 Jan/Feb; 8.
Reviews different techniques used to carve grafts from rib cartilage during rhinoplasty.

Cho M, Kim DW. Modification of the Zitelli bilobed flap: a comparison of flap dynamics in human cadavers. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2006 Nov-Dec;8(6):404-9.
A study showing a modification of a technique used to repair skin defects.

Egan KK, Kim DW. A novel intranasal stent for functional rhinoplasty and nostril stenosis. Laryngoscope. 2005 May;115(5):903-9.
A pilot study on the use of a new nasal stent to improve functional rhinoplasty outcomes.

Kim DW, Egan KK, O’Grady K, Toriumi DM. The Biomechanical Strength of Human Nasal Septal Lining: A Comparison of the Constituent Layers. Laryngoscope. 2005 Aug;115(8):1451-3.
A study comparing the strength of the different component of the nasal septal lining.

Kim DW, Egan KK. Metrics of Nasal Tip Rotation: A Comparative Analysis. Laryngoscope. 2006 Jun;116(6):872-7.
A study to determine the best method of measuring nasal tip rotational position.

Kim DW, Toriumi DM. Nasal analysis in secondary rhinoplasty. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. 2003;11(3).
This study reviews the process of analyzing a nose for revision surgery after previous rhinoplasty.

Kim DW, Cundiff J, Toriumi DM. Botulinum toxin: lateral periorbital rhytids. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. 2003;11(4).
Review article of the best method of treating crow’s feet smile lines with botox.

Kim DW, Toriumi DM. Management of the post-traumatic nose: the twisted nose deformity and saddle nose deformity. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. 2004;12(1).
Article describes the safest and most effective techniques to treat the cooked or collapsed nose.

Pletcher SD, Kim DW. Current concepts in cheek reconstruction. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2005 May;13(2):267-81.
Review of reconstructive strategies and techniques used to repair skin defects in the cheek.

Bhatki AM, Kim DW. Upper Blepharoplasty in the Asian Patient. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2005 Nov;13(4):525-32
Article describes my method of creating a double fold in the upper eyelid of patients lacking a fold.

Kim DW, Gurney TA. Management of Naso-septal L-strut Deformities. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2006 Feb;22(1):9-27
Article describing techniques to correct visible deformities of the nose caused by severe nasal septum problems.