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Laser Treatments

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Laser Treatments

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Laser Skin Treatments
in San Francisco


Discover our exciting energy-based treatments, designed to quickly transform your look for naturally beautiful results. After learning more about your unique skin care needs and concerns, Lisa Leung, our San Francisco aesthetic nurse practitioner, will recommend a specific treatment protocol to help you achieve your goals.

Laser Treatment San Francisco

Skin Rejuvenation with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment

Color Correction – Treat Pigmentation and Redness

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment is used to improve the appearance of pigmented lesions such as freckles and sun spots, as well as vascular lesions such as broken blood vessels and redness from rosacea.

During IPL treatment in our San Francisco office, bi-polar radio frequency and light energies are delivered to the skin. After IPL treatment, the pigmented areas temporarily darken before flaking away within 1-2 weeks. You will see dramatic improvement in your complexion and skin tone.

Treatment is not painful and does not require any downtime. As we deliver the energy to the skin, we will simultaneously cool the surface of the skin to minimize any discomfort. You may feel heat/warmth during and/or after treatment, and can expect mild redness. However, after treatment, you can immediately return to work or your normal activities.

For the best results, we recommend a series of 3-5 treatment sessions, spaced about 4 weeks apart. We will advise the exact number of treatments after examining your area(s) of concern and determining your skin’s condition.

Learn more about how we can safely restore a youthful, healthy appearance to your skin with energy-based technology. Book your complimentary, personalized skin consultation today. Please contact our practice by calling (415) 773-0800.