How long do Dermal Fillers last?
The answer to this frequently asked question is almost as varied as our patients themselves.
There are multiple factors at play when considering the question of filler duration:
- The type of filler used
- The quantity of filler used
- The area the filler is placed
- The technique that the injector employs
- The patient’s rate of filler metabolism
- The patient’s ability to generate collagen in response to the filler treatment
Furthermore, we need to distinguish between when we can no longer see the initial aesthetic results of the filler and when the filler is completely absent from the patient’s tissues. These are two completely different outcomes, as it is likely there is filler present in small amounts for longer than we can visually observe the effects.
For all of these reasons, we often give general ranges for filler duration and recognize that there are always individual exceptions. The dermal fillers used at David W. Kim Facial Plastics are made from hyaluronic acid and are broken down by the body slowly over time. At the same time, the filler treatment also stimulates the patient’s own collagen production in the treated area.
Typically, after repeated treatments with filler in the same area, a patient can expect to see longer and longer results. It is not uncommon, for example, to eventually only need filler in a given area every 1-2+ years. However, for the first filler treatment of a particular area, a patient should expect to repeat a similar (or lighter) treatment in about 6-9 months.
Keep in mind, though, that it is rare to only need filler for one particular area of the face. Over time, we all lose collagen and volume in multiple areas. To maintain a youthful appearance, it is essential to restore this volume in an artful manner. We want to achieve full facial balancing, not just chase “bothersome” areas.
Dermal fillers are one of the most effective and rewarding anti-aging treatments we have available. If you have any questions or would like to receive a consultation from one of our highly experienced injectors, please feel free to contact our office. We look forward to meeting with you.
by: Lisa Leung, NP