Pre & Post Rhinoplasty

At your initial rhinoplasty consultation, Dr. David W. Kim will carefully assess your anatomy, prior medical history and individual goals while customizing the nose to compliment you as an individual. He will determine the most appropriate methods for the procedure while incorporating your wishes within the structural plan. Dr. David W. Kim’s goal is to bring your nose closer to what you hope to achieve while ensuring that the body can adapt to the new structure and function.

Preparing for your rhinoplasty ideally begins weeks before. We will review how to prepare and take care of yourself after surgery, medications to avoid as well as medications we will prescribe for you prior to your surgery. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet is necessary in order to recover from your procedure. It is very important that you avoid medications that may prolong bleeding during and after surgery. Common over-the-counter medications include (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Alleve, Aspirin, Excedrin etc.) and supplements which include Omega-3 fish oils, Vitamin E, garlic, GingkoBiloba.  A handout with medications to avoid will be provided to you. Smoking and alcohol intake can delay healing, increase complications and compromise your surgery experience. It is recommended that you quit or cut down at least 2 weeks before and eliminate your intake during your recovery.

Your procedure will be performed under general anesthesia to ensure safety and comfort.



Dr. David W. Kim utilizes the “open” technique where he will make an incision across the columella (area of skin between your two nostrils) to visualize the structure of your nose. Modification of the cartilage and nasal bones in relation to the skin for an aesthetically pleasing outcome are all factors during the procedure. After the procedure you will have splints inserted into bilateral nostrils and a cast over the nasal bridge.

The cast and nasal splint will remain intact for 6-8 days after the surgery. This allows the new structure to heal with support. During your recovery you may experience mild to moderate swelling and/or bruising around your eyes and cheeks. This is completely normal and part of the healing process. It is important to minimize the amount of swelling you accumulate post procedure by refraining from strenuous activity and keeping your head elevated. We highly recommend you not to resume exercise for at least 3 weeks after your surgery.

On your scheduled post-operative visit, Dr. David W. Kim will remove your splints, cast and sutures along your columella. Swelling post procedure is expected and the degree can vary depending on the procedure as well as the individual. Many of our patients notice that swelling reduces quite a bit within the first month; however, there are always exceptions where some patients have more swelling than others.  Dr. David W. Kim will discuss what you can expect over the next couple of weeks or months as your nose slowly settles in. Follow up visits will be scheduled to ensure that you are closely monitored during your recovery.