Our Rhinoplasty Symposium in Dubai

I have recently been asked to serve as scientific course director for the first Dubai Rhinoplasty Symposium. Set for December 3-5, 2009, the Inaugural Symposium will serve as an opportunity for US plastic surgeons to teach and exchange ideas with rhinoplasty surgeons in the high demand countries of the Middle East. Along with four other US rhinoplasty experts, I will lead a three day comprehensive rhinoplasty symposium in Dubai to an audience of Middle Eastern, European, and Asian surgeons.

The Middle East represents one of the world’s hot beds for plastic surgery. Given the fact that many Muslin women have only their faces exposed to public view, it is not surprising that rhinoplasty is one of the most sought after procedures in many Middle Eastern countries. In fact, Iran, known as the nose job capitol of the world, was the subject of a critically acclaimed, award winning documentary film, “Nose, Iranian Style”. While there is a huge demand for cosmetic rhinoplasty in the Middle East, until now there have been few collaborative efforts between Middle Eastern surgeons and American rhinoplasty experts.

With an ever growing demographic of people seeking rhinoplasty, surgeons have had to broaden their aesthetic standards to serve a greater diversity of patients. Gone are the days when surgeons can give every patient the same cookie-cutter nose. With an expanding cosmetic market, we must now cater to cosmetic needs based on a variety of ethnic and familial preferences.

Refer to http://www.dubai-rhinoplasty.com/index.htm to learn more about the Dubai Symposium.